- We set up each classroom, be it art or math or social studies, to have the same whiteboard arrangement and information. This saves time--time kids can use learning something instead of on figuring out where to find an assignment.
- We require students to mentally and physically prepare themselves for learning: In the hallways, they must be quiet and physically still (so as not to distract themselves or other students).
- We require uniforms, which means kids don't have to worry about having the "right" shoes or jeans. (It also reduces funds a parent or caregiver must spend on trendy school clothes).
- We require students to tuck in their shirts and wear a belt so they look neat; learning is fun but also serious business.
- We tell kids all the time what we expect--we want them to succeed, and the faster they figure things out, the faster they get to the good stuff.
- We set high expectations: We expect them to behave appropriately, to focus, to work hard. Adults who cannot or will not set high expectations for students cannot be part of our school community.
- We require students shake a teacher's hand and look him or her in the eye as they enter each classroom, every time: These are fundamental skills everyone needs to be successful in life. (Plus, it's just polite.)
- We never give up on a child. There's always a place for a young person to find success, and while we expect a lot from a young person, we also expect adults responsible for his success (ourselves included) to find or create a place where each child to reach his full potential.
Did your school have a strong culture? How important is culture in creating a successful educational environment? Who's doing a great job at creating that culture? (We like visiting other schools who are getting it right.)
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